Welcome to Dalmar Motors Ltd

Dalmar Motors is a Volkswagen dealership located in London, Ontario. We are proud to offer our clients all of the services they need to keep their current Volkswagen vehicles in perfect condition. This includes maintenance and repairs, and a complete genuine Volkswagen parts and accessories department. We also offer a complete inventory of new Volkswagen vehicles as well as quality pre-owned vehicles. We look forward to helping you determine which Volkswagen vehicle is right for you and which one fits within your budget. Everything we do at our dealership is centered around quality customer service.

Our Dedicated Team Are Here For You

We always work hard for our clients and we guarantee your satisfaction with all of our products and services. We look forward to meeting you and doing our very best to make you a client for life. For all of your vehicle service needs or when you are looking for a new or pre-owned vehicle in London, drop by to say "hello" and give us a chance to show you what a real dealership experience should be.

Come See Us For The Best Services

If you own a Volkswagen vehicle and are looking for a dealer that you can trust to maintain your vehicle, visit our tire centre. We have all the services under one roof that will allow you to ensure the reliability and resale value of your vehicle. Come see us to learn more about our Volkswagen products and services. Visit us today!

Contact us

Dalmar Volkswagen

1297 Wharncliffe RD S
ON, N6L1J9
Sales:  519 433-3181 
Service:  519 433-3181 
Parts:  519 433-3182 
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  • Hours: Sales
  • Hours: Service & Parts
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